To grow mushrooms, you’ll need a substrate (such as straw or sawdust) that has been sterilized and inoculated with mushroom spores. You’ll then put the substrate in an environment that’s suited to your species.
It’s best to grow mushrooms indoors where the temperature and humidity can be controlled. However, you can also grow them outdoors in beds or logs – just make sure the logs are kept out of direct sunlight.
1. They are the largest living organism
Fungi get a bad rap in the vegetable kingdom, but they are some of the largest organisms living on this planet. In fact, they are even bigger than blue whales or a grove of quaking aspens. Mushroom cultivation relies on fungi as the scavengers they are, using waste products such as straw, manure and gypsum to grow an abundant crop.
A giant honey mushroom called Armillaria ostoyae in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest may be the biggest living thing in the world, beating out blue whales and even Pando, Utah’s famous quaking aspens for size and longevity. The fungus infests dead and dying trees, killing them over decades and taking over their roots.
While the fungus appears above ground as a mushroom, it is actually a mass of underground tendrils called mycelia. Those thick black tendrils, known as rhizomorphs, spread acre upon acre in search of food. This allows the fungus to take over entire forests. It also gives it a taste for squaring off with timber harvesters, which have been waging a long war against the parasite in Oregon.
2. They are a scavenger
Mushrooms are a scavenger, relying on dead organic materials for their nutrients. They absorb nutrients through the cell walls of their hyphae, which are composed of polysaccharides such as b-D-glucans and chitin. Some fungi, called saprophytes, grow on leaves and plant roots, extracting carbon dioxide and minerals. Others, called parasites, attach themselves to living plants and draw their nutrition from the host. Some mushrooms, such as porcini, chanterelles and truffles, are in this group.
Fungi can also digest material that has been deposited on their substrates by other fungi. They do this to get the sugars and other nutrients they need. This is opposite to plants, which use photosynthesis to get their nutrients.
Cultivators start by growing a pure strain of mycelium on a sterilized substrate. They can do this in a small box, a closet, a basement or a converted warehouse. When mycelium is large enough, it forms little mushroom buds (called primoidia) that can then be transferred to a substrate and allowed to fruit. The substrate is inoculated with spawn and placed in an environment that moderates temperature, light, humidity and air flow to promote the growth of a specific mushroom species.
3. They produce toxins
Mushrooms produce toxins as part of their reproductive process. These toxins are not intended for human consumption, but can be harmful if ingested. They can also cause a severe allergic reaction in some people, and can even kill them. This makes it vital to only consume mushrooms that have been cultivated, not wild ones.
Mushroom production can be done in many ways, including using recycled agricultural waste. This reduces the amount of natural resources needed, and is a more sustainable alternative to traditional growing mediums. Mushrooms are also known to produce a number of health benefits, including protein, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain antioxidants, which help to fight free radicals in the body.
Mushroom cultivation is a fun and rewarding activity. It requires only a growing medium and patience, making it an ideal hobby for anyone. People are often amazed at the results, and find that home-grown mushrooms are superior to those found in stores. They are larger, tastier, and retain more nutrients than store-bought varieties. This is especially true if they are grown organically.
4. They are a source of vitamin D
Mushrooms contain a good amount of vitamin D, a nutrient that helps humans absorb calcium. They also provide B vitamins and selenium, a mineral that boosts the immune system. Mushrooms are low in calories and can be added to many meals for flavor and nutritional value.
Some mushrooms produce vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or a UV lamp. The new SBS series Michael Mosley’s Secrets of Your Food features mushroom cultivation and reveals that fungi that are bathed in sunlight create vitamin D, which can help us absorb calcium more efficiently.
Unlike other plants, fungi don’t produce seeds but rather disperse themselves by releasing spores into the air or onto a surface. Spores germinate in a variety of places, including compost heaps and logs, and grow a mycelium that develops into a fruiting structure, like a mushroom. Experienced cultivators start with a mushroom spawn, which is grown from a tissue culture in sterile / laboratory conditions (contamination is a major issue at this stage). Once the mycelium has reached sufficient mass it is transferred to a substrate, such as grain or sawdust/bran.

5. They are a food source
Whether you are a vegan, vegetarian or omnivore, mushrooms are an important part of a balanced diet. They offer a delicious alternative to meat, as well as a great source of protein and fiber. They also have many health benefits, such as boosting the immune system and protecting against cancer and other diseases.
Mushrooms have the ability to decompose organic matter and return nutrients back into the soil. This process is called mycoremediation. It is a sustainable and cost-effective method of environmental cleanup. Mushroom producers use reusable containers and biodegradable packaging materials to minimize plastic waste.
A mushroom spore falls on a suitable substrate and germinates into a network of microscopic rooting threads called mycelium. This spreads through the substrate until it reaches a nutrient-rich layer, at which point the mycelium produces fruiting bodies. The gills of the mushroom cap open and release thousands of spores, which blow away or find their way to other surfaces. These spores can then grow on these other surfaces, starting the process over again.
For those looking to embark on their own mushroom-growing journey with ease and efficiency, consider utilizing a Gro Magik Monotub. This all-in-one kits provide everything needed to cultivate mushrooms at home, from substrate to spores, simplifying the process for beginners and seasoned growers alike.
6. They are a source of income
Mushrooms are a highly profitable crop that can generate a substantial income for farmers. In addition to the financial benefits, mushroom cultivation also has the potential to address issues such as global poverty, malnutrition and environmental degradation.
Mushroom cultivation is a low-cost, sustainable alternative to traditional farming. It requires minimal space, and a grow room can be built at a modest cost using materials such as wood chips, straw, manure, cardboard, or old carpet.
The cultivation of mushrooms involves preparing substrate, spreading spores, and maintaining a suitable temperature and humidity. Once the mushrooms have matured, they can be sold to buyers.
7. They are a fungus
Fungi are a group of organisms that produce visible fruiting bodies, called mushrooms. They are part of a phylum called Basidiomycota. Mushrooms are the reproductive structures of fungi, but the bulk of the organism is underground and composed of root-like threads that form vast networks we call mycelium.
Like plants, fungi take in nutrients from the outside world. But they don’t make their own food by photosynthesis, and instead rely on enzymes to “digest” organic matter like wood or dead leaves. They also work with plants to encourage growth, and some of them (like mycorrhizal fungi) even help break down and recycle nutrients from decaying leaves and sticks.
While a mushroom might look plantlike with a stem and cap, it’s really just the flower or “fruit” that disperses spores. The bulk of the organism is underground and is composed of microscopically thin threads that collectively form vast networks we call mycelium. When conditions are right, the mycelium will produce mushrooms to form and disperse spores.
8. They are a living organism
Mushrooms, like plants, are living organisms that need water, air and sun for survival. However, fungi do not use chlorophyll to generate their own food from sunlight – instead they absorb nutrients and metabolize organic matter from the environment.
While mushrooms grow above ground, forming the fruiting body that we see on our plates, the bulk of the fungus is underground. Some fungi are so massive that if you lined up the entirety of their mycelium it could stretch over 10km. One such example is the ‘honey mushroom’, Armillaria ostoyae, found in Oregon.
Fungi hyphae form an underground network in forests that connects trees and other plants. This network transports nutrients and also sends danger signals. A sinister fungus, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, even hijacks carpenter ants to spread its fungal kingdom across the rainforest.
By taking advantage of this natural process, mushroom cultivation can be done in a variety of repurposed spaces such as closets. This creates a controlled environment for the mushroom mycelium, removing it from the fierce competition of the natural world, and increasing the likelihood of success.