
Insight on Urinary Incontinence and Living with It – How to Make Things Easier

The medical term for frequent urinary incontinence is interstitial cystitis. The condition is characterized by the build-up of liquid inside the bladder or urethra. It is the result of irritation to the bladder by urine or feces. The condition can affect anyone and is not gender-specific.

As people get older, urinary incontinence is not necessarily the inevitability of aging. In fact, middle-aged women who take long-term contraceptives may experience urinary incontinence.

Other factors that can contribute to urinary incontinence include bladder infections, kidney infections, perinatal infections or tumors in the pelvic floor, side effects of certain medications, and obesity. For most women, the treatment involves addressing the underlying cause.

Treatment options can be either medication-based, which are usually taken orally, or a variety of lifestyle changes including diet and pelvic floor exercises. Bladder infections are the most common cause of overflow incontinence.

Bladder infections often involve the use of antibiotics to treat different problems. Because antibiotics sometimes weaken the immune system, sufferers of overgrowth of bacteria in the bladder may become susceptible to overflow incontinence.

If the urine leaks out while you are taking medication for a urinary tract infection, then you should seek medical attention right away to avoid further complications. A healthy weight loss program can be one of the keys to preventing the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

When you lose weight, you can get rid of extra body fluid, which may help to reduce the pressure on the bladder. Losing weight also helps to improve your overall health, which may help you to avoid the signs of urinary incontinence.

Exercise is another key to preventing incontinence. Exercising helps to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which helps to control urination. Strong pelvic muscles are necessary not only to regulate urination but also to prevent leaks from occurring.

If you have weakened or imbalanced pelvic muscles, then you may experience an increase in the frequency and severity of your urges to urinate. Limiting your exposure to small amounts of caffeine and alcohol may also help you to control urination. These simple lifestyle changes can make a big difference in your urinary incontinence.

Some women, need medications to relieve the symptoms of urinary incontinence, such as urge incontinence. If you suffer from these frequent Urge Incontinence infections, you should speak with your doctor about what medications he or she may prescribe to you. Continence Care has a broad-range of products which should help make having urinary incontinence a lot less stressful.

Your doctor may also recommend that you see a podiatrist for additional assistance in treating your condition. However, there are natural remedies that can be found on the Internet that are often effective in treating urinary incontinence and that do not require a prescription from your doctor.

A diet that includes more fiber and fewer calories can prevent urinary incontinence. By eating a diet that is high in fiber, you will have a bowel movement shortly after finishing your meal. Eating a diet that is low in calories can help to keep your bowels moving. Keep your bowels moving can reduce the number of trips you make to the bathroom.

Some people find that keeping a food diary can be very helpful in helping them to identify foods that may be causing problems with their urinary incontinence. By keeping track of how much food you consume and when you had your last bowel movement, you will be able to pinpoint foods that may be causing problems for you.

The more you exercise, the stronger your pelvic floor muscles become. These muscles control the bladder and help you maintain good bladder control. When these muscles weaken, you can experience problems with your urinary incontinence. Learning new exercises can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and give you better bladder control.