No matter your experience level or what kind of outdoor activity you enjoy, a well-stocked survival kit should always be part of your pack. In an emergency situation, having access to essential gear could save your life.
Survival kits (commonly referred to as 72-hour kits or bug-in kits) provide essential supplies during emergencies or natural disasters. Here is some guidance when stocking yours.
Water is an indispensable necessity when faced with any survival situation, as the body requires water for daily functions. Therefore, finding an reliable source as quickly as possible should be prioritized.
Water sources that are readily accessible include streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Because stagnant bodies of water can harbor bacteria growth quickly, it’s wiser to seek out fresh moving waters instead.
Water purification tablets should be included in any survival kit to ensure any water collected will be safe to drink. Whistles can also come in handy, with three blows being the international distress signal; whistles also allow survivors to communicate when separated from one another during emergencies. A multi-tool or Swiss Army knife are other great additions that should not be missed out.
Under survival circumstances, energy will quickly dissipate if there are not enough high-protein foods in your emergency kit. Make sure it includes protein bars, dried fruits, granola bars and insect meal kits to provide enough fuel.
Freeze-dried foods make an ideal addition to emergency survival kits as they’re lightweight, long-term solutions that require minimal prep. Camping and military supply stores also carry packaged food supplies perfect for this purpose.
Make sure your emergency survival kit includes some type of water filtration system so that you can drink from any water source if necessary, such as a Mini Water Filtration System or even bathtub water storage kits that hold 100 gallons or more drinking water. Furthermore, include some additional prescription medication in this emergency survival kit to protect you in any future disasters.
Shelter is one of the key elements for survival. It can provide protection from outside forces while simultaneously maintaining body heat to keep you comfortable and warm.
An umbrella provides many other functions as well, such as hiding from others and keeping animals away. Furthermore, it can offer comfort and security during potentially frightening scenarios.
Shelter should always be one of your top survival priorities in a wilderness survival scenario, and should always be included as one of your priority items in an emergency kit. Without it, exposure and starvation could soon put an end to life; with shelter however, your survival chances can increase significantly longer; so the investment definitely pays off! It’s smart to keep a survival tent ready in case any unexpected events arise that require it; why wait when creating your ultimate survival kit list today!
First Aid
First aid is the initial care provided in medical emergencies and could be essential in keeping someone alive until professional medical assistance arrives. It encompasses a range of actions from treating minor injuries to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
First aid’s primary objective is to preserve life. This involves making sure the victim is not in any immediate danger by moving them away from any potential sources of danger or using an adrenaline auto-injector like EpiPen if they experience an allergic reaction.
Reacting quickly when injuries occur is key to mitigating injury severity, speeding healing and increasing chances of survival. First aid provides confidence to those needing assistance, assuring them help is on its way and saving on medical costs by preventing complications which could require extended hospital stays. Check out these 13 survival kit must haves to ensure that you have everything you need incase of an emergency.
Based on your survival scenario, tools may help ensure that you’re noticed and/or rescued quickly. A whistle may help get noticed by passers-by; flashlights come in handy as a light source or signal beacons for rescuers.
Compasses and topographic maps can both serve as invaluable survival tools during outdoor adventures, providing vital navigational support. Be sure to learn how to read them prior to heading out!
Have the appropriate wilderness survival tools is an integral component of camping, hiking and any outdoor activity. Paracord sets can be utilized in numerous ways – binding items together, securing animals, making snares and starting fires are just some ways it can be put to use! Gain confidence in your survival skills while practicing them using these new wilderness survival tools!
If you plan to explore the wilderness without GPS, a survival compass is essential for safe navigation. But not just any button compass will do – instead invest in one with accurate readings that provides accurate direction.
Idealy, the needle should float in liquid to absorb shockwaves and vibrations, with an indicator bubble to indicate when the compass is horizontal with respect to its map.
While budget-friendly, this survival compass packs in numerous technical features. With imperial and metric scales, tool-free declination settings, glow-in-the-dark dials, glow indicator pins and glow in the dark dials it makes an excellent companion for survival enthusiasts looking to practice navigation skills. Easy to use via simple rotation to adjust needle position; just remember the red part always points North!
Fire Extinguisher
If a fire breaks out in your home or vehicle, a fire extinguisher should be one of your essential survival gear items – not only should you keep one on hand but it should be part of every home, office and vehicle!
House fires can quickly spread from kitchen accidents or electrical errors, threatening property and life in their wake. With proper fire-fighting equipment on hand, you can prevent catastrophe from unfolding and limit damages.
The fire department offers training that gives you hands-on experience using real extinguishers and tips from professionals. Set your appointment today!
Sunscreen should be an essential component of any survival kit. To maximize protection from UVA and UVB rays from the sun, sunscreens with broad spectrum ingredients should be preferred for maximum effectiveness.
UV radiation from the sun can damage skin cells irreparably, leading to wrinkles, sagging and dark patches known as lentigos or age spots. Furthermore, exposure increases your risk of skin cancer by damaging DNA within cells.
When SHTF or disaster strikes, commercial sunscreen might be hard to come by – however there are alternative products which provide various levels of sun protection that may keep skin safe from sunburns, fungus and disease – potentially even helping you make longer hikes without burning up! When planning survival strategies, hygiene items often take second place but these mustn’t be forgotten!
An emergency flashlight is one of the most essential survival gear items. Since many emergencies can disrupt power or lights, having an alternative prepper flashlight that doesn’t rely on electricity can be crucial in times of trouble.
Flashlights are versatile tools for signaling for help or seeing in low light conditions, starting fires by shining their beam on dry tinder, or temporarily blinding an attacker giving you time to escape or defend yourself from them.
When selecting a flashlight for your survival kit, look for an extremely bright and rugged model that can withstand drops and bumps without becoming damaged. In addition, look for long battery life with multiple settings as well as solar or hand crank power sources – these might not require batteries!
Whistles can serve as an effective and loud method of alerting others of your need, scaring away animals or communicating with group members.
Carry a safety whistle around your neck on a breakaway lanyard or attach it to your survival kit bag for added peace of mind. Whistles are lightweight and won’t take up much room in your bag – ideal for keeping nearby.
A whistle with 5 tools integrated, including a knife sharpener, fire starter and flashlight. Perfect for adding to any survival kit; durable enough to serve you in an emergency. A whistle should be included on every hiker’s list of outdoor essentials to protect them in remote environments should they become lost or injured.